What is Responsive Web Design?

David Ugale, Author
Written by David Ugale


Responsive web design is a way of building websites that look good and function equally well on all devices. It’s important because it helps your customers by ensuring that they can access your website or app on any device, at any time.

What does it mean for a website to be responsive?

Responsive web design is a technique that allows a website to alter its visual layout based on the size of the screen it is being viewed on.

In other words, responsive design means that your webpages can respond to how you’re using them. This could mean that the font size remains legible for people with different viewing preferences, or that images scale automatically in order to fit any screen size.

Another way of thinking about this is as “liquid” or “fluid” content – instead of being hard-coded into different layouts (such as one page for mobile devices and another page for desktop computers), pages are designed so they can be read on any device, no matter what size it may be.

What is a responsive framework?

A responsive framework is a collection of CSS and JavaScript files that are used to create responsive websites. It also includes many other components, such as base templates, grids and boilerplates. A free or paid product, a responsive framework can be as simple as one file or more complex than multiple files.

A responsive framework can be used in different ways depending on the developer’s preference—it can be integrated with another programming language such as PHP or Ruby on Rails to create an application, or it may be used simply for its CSS layout properties without any additional functionality added in order to save time when creating new sites quickly.

Should my website be responsive?

  • Not all websites need to be responsive.
  • If you have a small business, or your site is not heavily trafficked, it may not be worth your time and money to invest in making your website responsive.
  • But if you are running a large corporation or publishing content that is widely read by many people (for example: an e-commerce store), then making your site mobile friendly will help increase traffic and sales.

When should a business consider making its website responsive?

  • If you have a mobile app. If your business has a native mobile application, it is a good idea to have an optimized website that works across all devices and screen sizes.
  • If you have a mobile website. A responsive design will ensure that your site’s content can be read and navigated easily on any device, including smartphones and tablets.
  • If you have a tablet version of your website. Many small businesses choose to create separate websites for different devices because they do not want to risk losing sales by leaving out information important only to desktop users (such as pricing). However, this approach can be costly and time-consuming in terms of development resources; it also means that visitors who visit the wrong version of your site may find themselves frustrated by poor user experience (UX). A better solution is responsive web design—the practice of creating one single page that adapts seamlessly across all screen sizes and makes use of CSS3 media queries so that content appears correctly depending on whether it’s being accessed via desktop computer or mobile device without requiring separate versions for each type of device.”

What are some benefits of responsive design?

Responsive web design offers a number of advantages over non-responsive sites, including:

  • Increased user experience and satisfaction
  • Easier access to information for users on a variety of devices, regardless of whether they’re accessing your site from their phone or desktop computer
  • Easier navigation for users who are able to visit your site from multiple devices in one session (for example, someone who is browsing at home on their laptop but also looking up directions during lunch break at work)

How can I make sure that my new website is responsive?

If you’re looking to build a responsive website, there are several options. You can:

  • Use a responsive framework (e.g., Bootstrap, Foundation)
  • Use a responsive design tool (e.g., Webflow, Sketch)
  • Consult someone who is familiar with responsive web design (e.g., me!)

Responsive web design allows your users to enjoy a seamless experience across devices.

Responsive web design (RWD) is a technique that allows your users to enjoy a seamless experience across devices. With RWD, a website will adapt its layout and content in real time based on the device’s screen size. This means that if you’re viewing your site on an iPad or on a smartphone, it will automatically adjust itself for the best viewing experience for each device; no matter what type of device your user is using, they’ll still be able to read your content comfortably. Users don’t have to zoom in or out or pinch-and-zoom their way through pages just to navigate around; everything adjusts itself seamlessly as necessary so that everything looks great from any angle.


The bottom line is that responsive web design has many benefits that your business can enjoy. It allows you to reach more customers, increase engagement and sales. It also helps you keep up with today’s fast-paced digital world where people are constantly on their phones looking for information or entertainment wherever they go. If you want your website to remain competitive in this rapidly changing environment then don’t hesitate any longer before making it responsive!

Originally published December 19th, 2022, updated December 19th, 2022